New - 

 Mt. Pleasant ​Township, Westmoreland county

The Tax Office is located at 208 Poker Road, Mt Pleasant.  It is located in the back of the Municipal Building in Mammoth. 

click here for General Information or to Pay your Tax Bill

Office Hours:

M - F  7:00a - 3:00p

Beginning January 1, 2022  Republic Services will now be the residential waste hauler for Mount Pleasant Township.  The contract expires on December 31, 2026.

Click button below to view the next meeting agenda

Supervisor's Monthly Meeting Time:

Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of the month at 3:00 p.m.

Frank Puskar​​​​, Chairman
January 2026
Alyn Hutter​​​, Vice Chairman
January 2028
Duane Hutter​​​, Member
January 2030
Mark MearsJanuary 2026
Nellie L. Pfeifer
January 2028
John Hostoffer 
January 2030

Mount Pleasant Township was founded on April 6, 1773 as one of the eleven original townships of the newly created Westmoreland County.  The first officers elected by the people of the township were: Constable, John McClelland, Overseers of the Poor, Solomon and John Sheppard and Supervisor John Scott.

read more

Mt. Pleasant School District -

Mt. Pleasant Jr./Sr. High School

Phone: (724) 547-4100

Emergency Information -

Click here for emergency information

What's New

Upcoming Events and Information

Open Records Information

WHEREAS, Act 3 of 2008 (65 P.S. § 67.101), known as the Right-to-Know Law (RTKL) will become effective January 1, 2009. 

Open Records Information - click here
Open Records Officer: Caprice Mills

Business Address:
P.O. Box 158
208 Poker Road
Mammoth, PA 15664

Phone Number: (724) 423-5653
Fax Number: (724) 423-1122

Email Open Records

Office Closings:

  • February 17th - Closed - Presidents Day

Tax Collector

Important Information

Westmoreland Cleanways and Recycling

click here for their website

Effective January 24, 2013, covered devices (televisions, computers, computer monitors, and computer peripherals) will be banned from landfill disposal. Pennsylvania's Covered Devices Recycling Act (CDRA) of 2010 Visit Westmoreland Cleanways for more information or click above for the direct link.

Other Helpful Links

Laurel Valley Transportation Project
Welcome to Mt. Pleasant Township

Phone: 724.423.5653  
Fax: 724.423.1122